The 2024 Student BFA Thesis Exhibition, Senior Graphic Design Portfolio Show, and Senior Capstone Photography Show.
“I learned how
thought process
and intent are to
the presentation
of your work
to an audience.”
Sarah Kelly '09
Senior Visual Designer | West Monroe Partners
Nana Ekow Maison
Nana Ekow Maison grew up in Ghana. He received his bachelor’s degree in painting from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Art Studies (painting and printmaking) from Bradley University. In Ghana, he also received cultural education serving as an apprentice to a traditional relief wood carver. He is an integral adjunct at Bradley University and is a senior instructor at the Peoria Riverfront Museum.
“My Success
as an artist
is directly
linked to
that creative environment.”
Nick Chapman '01
Sr Designer | Deforest Group
Rachel Hill
Rachel Hill graduated from Bradley with a degree in art education. In 2018, she had the opportunity to blend her love of art and teaching as an art camp counselor at Laumeier Sculpture Park in St. Louis. She moved back to the Chicago area to prepare for her teaching career and plans to relocate to Denver to teach art at the high school level.
“Art is work
talent and
5% luck.”
John Cizmar '00
Director | MC+A
Jack Crouch
Jack Crouch is an alum of Bradley University, graduating in May 2020 with his Master of Fine Art. In 2009, and is now Assistant Professor in the Department of Art, Music, and Theater Arts at Cameron University OK. Crouch is primarily interested in the formal issues of color, composition and design while telling his own narratives.
“the Bradley
education that
I received had
a strong influence
on my success
as an artist and
as a professional
in my field.”
Venise Keys '13
Professional Visual Artist | Adjunct Faculty
Illinois Central College
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