Jessica Tilton

Jessica Tilton

Lecturer in Residence

    Olin Hall 147
    (309) 677-3891


B.S., Biology, Bradley University
M.S., Biology, Bradley University


Jessica Tilton focused her graduate research on how cocaine affects the pulmonary system in juvenileswhich is highlighted in her thesis, Assessment of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Constitutes Following Cocaine Exposure in Fischer Rats. She currently is researching how diphenhydramine affects field crops, such as Brassica rapa. She has held two titles in Miss America Organization, Miss Central Illinois 2022, and Miss Quad Cities 2023. In addition, she won the Women in STEM award at the Miss Illinois competition in June 2022.


Courses taught for biology majors include:

BIO 152 Molecules to Cells Laboratory

BIO 385 Supervised Research

BIO 406/506 GeneralMicrobiology/Advanced Microbiology

Courses for non-majors include:

BIO 113 Introduction to Cellular Biology Laboratory

BIO 114Introduction to Ecology and Evolution Laboratory


Tilton, J. E. (2021).Assessment of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Constitutes Following Cocaine Exposure in Fischer Rats (Order No. 28716090). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Bradley University. (2605673514).


Jessica is the co-advisor for the Ronald McDonald House Charity Club on campus. She is also heavily involved with organ donation working with four national partners (Gift of Hope, UNOS, Donate Life, Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation) and the Illinois Secretary of State’s office.