Electrical Engineering Courses
E E 101 - Introductory Electrical Engineering
(1 hour)
Introductory course focusing on logic design on the following topics: fundamentals of Boolean algebra and minimization techniques, combinational logic realizations of SOP and POS functions, multiple function synthesis using PLDs. In addition, students view various presentations of significant historical electrical engineers and topics.
E E 102 - Computers and Programming in Electrical Engineering
(2 hours)
Introduction to computers and operating systems; introduction to programming in a high level language appropriate to electrical engineering.
E E 200 - Engineering Co-Op
(0 hours)
Full-time cooperative education assignment for electrical engineering students who alternate periods of full-time school with periods of full-time academic or career-related work in industry. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing in the College of Engineering and Technology, 2.0 overall grade point average at Bradley, approval of engineering and technology Co-op coordinator and Co-op faculty advisor.
E E 201 - Digital Hardware Organization
(2 hours)
Continuation of EE 101 focusing on the following topics: sequential circuit elements, flip flops, counters and shift-registers, clock generation circuits, algorithmic state machine method of designing sequential circuits, and VHDL design and synthesis. Prerequisite: EE 101.
E E 205 - Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis
(4 hours)
Analysis of electric circuits. Transient and steady-state phenomena. General analysis techniques: loop and nodal equations, network theorems, and matrix methods. Corequisites: MTH 223, PHY 201.
E E 206 - Sophomore Laboratory
(2 hours)
The student is introduced to experimental implementation of analysis techniques developed in EE 205 and EE 201/311 in order to verify circuit theory. In addition the student is introduced to the design of analog and digital circuitry focusing on top-down design methodology culminating in a student-chosen sequential digital design project. Prerequisite: EE 205, with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: EE 201 or EE 311.
E E 221 - Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming
(3 hours)
Introduction to data structures, object-oriented programming and abstract data types for programmers; data structures: arrays, vectors, lists, stacks, and queues; dynamic memory allocation; problems of efficiency and complexity of algorithms; searching and sorting; standard libraries dedicated to data structures and algorithms. Prerequisite: EE 102 or CS 106 with minimum grade of C.
E E 231 - Simulation & Analysis for EEs
(2 hours)
Simulation and analysis techniques and tools for electrical engineers. Prerequisite: C or better in EE 102 and EE 205.
E E 301 - Signals and Systems I
(3 hours)
Time and frequency domain analysis of linear systems. Lumped, distributed, time-varying, and discrete-time systems; network topology, state variable techniques; stability. Prerequisite: EE 206; EE or EEC major.
E E 302 - Signals and Systems II
(3 hours)
Sampling theorem, digital filters, probability theory, statistics, random variables, probability density functions, auto- and cross-correlation functions, power spectral density of random processes, analysis of linear time invariant systems with random inputs in time domain and in frequency domain, simulation of random experiments. Prerequisite: EE 301.
E E 303 - Principles of Electronics I
(3 hours)
Circuit analysis and design of macro-electronic circuits using operational amplifiers, diodes, and logic gates. Design process covering top-down methods and software simulation. Prerequisite: EE 206; EE or EEC major.
E E 304 - Principles of Electronics II
(3 hours)
Modeling of discrete bipolar and field effect transistors. Circuit analysis and design of macro-electronic circuits using discrete bipolar and field effect transistors. Design process covering top-down methods and software simulation. Prerequisite: EE 303 with minimum grade of C.
E E 311 - Digital Hardware Organization
(3 hours)
Introduction to logic design with focus on the following topics: fundamentals of Boolean algebra and minimization techniques, logic realizations of SOP and POS functions, multiple function synthesis using PLDs, combinational circuit design as it applies to computers, sequential circuit elements, flip flops, counters and shift-registers, clock generation circuits, algorithmic state machine method of designing sequential circuits, and VHDL design and synthesis. Not open to students with credit in EE 101 or EE 201.
E E 327 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I
(3 hours)
Analysis of circuits; transient and steady state phenomena; general analysis techniques. Open to non-electrical engineering students only. Prerequisite: MTH 224.
E E 328 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II
(3 hours)
Electronics; magnetic fields and circuits; magnetic coupling; energy conversion; electromechanics; rotating devices; digital techniques; control systems. Prerequisite: EE 327.
E E 331 - Junior Laboratory I
(3 hours)
The student performs top-down design and analysis of analog and digital electronic circuits. Integral to the design work is the use of software programs, and software simulation packages are used to verify their design. In addition, students develop hardware and software troubleshooting and testing skills. The design experience culminates in a multi-week task that requires the students to integrate information from EE 205, EE 206, and EE 303 to synthesize a multi-faceted, specification-driven project. Prerequisite: EE 206 with a minimum grade of C; EE or EEC major.
E E 332 - Junior Laboratory II
(2 hours)
Junior Laboratory II is a continuation of EE 331. In addition to the usual design efforts, a directed, microcomputer-based, multi-week task challenges the students to use a microcontroller in a project. The students' experience culminates in a multi-week, student-chosen project that showcases their design abilities. Prerequisite: EE 301, EE 303, EE 331, EE 365 each with a minimum grade of C. Corequisites: EE 302, EE 304, EE 381.
E E 365 - Microprocessors
(3 hours)
Design of microprocessor-based systems applied to real situations; control and data acquisition. Programming practice on commercial microprocessors. Prerequisite: EE 201 or EE 311; EE 221 with a minimum grade of C.
E E 381 - Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Fields
(3 hours)
Time-harmonic steady-state and transient analysis of radio frequency (RF) transmission lines (T Lines); impedance matching; the Smith chart and its applications; vector analysis; static electric fields and capacitance; steady currents and resistance; static magnetic fields and inductance; electrical and magnetic properties of materials; electric and magnetic boundary conditions; electric and magnetic energies. Prerequisite: EE 205 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.
E E 402 - Senior Design Seminar
(1 hour)
Students work in teams on a large-scale electrical engineering project, considering technical and non-technical factors in seeking an optimal solution. Prerequisite: senior standing in EE or ECE.
E E 409 - Special Topics
(1-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
E E 410 - Special Topics
(1-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
E E 430 - Electromechanical Systems
(3 hours)
Introduction to dynamic systems analysis with emphasis on mathematical modeling of sensors and electromechanical devices for control system applications. Fundamentals of power and industrial electronics. Prerequisite: EE 301, EE 303
E E 431 - Control System Theory
(3 hours)
Linear, non-linear, and discrete automatic control systems; classical and modern control theory; computer-aided design and simulation. Prerequisite: senior standing in EE.
E E 432 - Control System Theory
(3 hours)
Linear, non-linear, and discrete automatic control systems; classical and modern control theory; computer-aided design and simulation. Prerequisite: senior standing in EE.
E E 450 - Electronic Product Design
(1 hour)
Students work in teams to design an electronic product to meet desired needs within realistic constraints. The process requires design at the system level to evaluate technical and economic feasibility as well as preparation of a formal report. Prerequisite: EE 332 with a minimum grade of C.
E E 451 - Senior Capstone Project I
(3 hours)
First of two courses devoted to the Senior Design Project. The primary goal of this course is to have the student (and partner) choose a senior project and use a top-down design approach prior to implementation in senior lab. In addition, the student will serve on a Design Review Team (DRT) that will analyze other senior projects. Prerequisite: credit in EE 301, 302, 303, 304, 331, 332, 365, and 381 with a grade of C or better in six of the courses; credit or concurrent enrollment in EE 450 and two EE or technical electives.
E E 452 - Senior Capstone Project II
(3 hours)
Second of two courses devoted to the Senior Design Project. Requires an oral project presentation and a written report. Prerequisite: EE 450, 451.
E E 531 - Communication Theory I
(3 hours)
Orthogonal signal representation; review of Fourier series and Fourier transform; basic probability theory; random processes; power spectral density; Shannon's channel capacity; sampling theorem; baseband signaling; bandpass signaling; complex envelop representation of signals and systems; analog modulations; binary and M-ary digital modulations; phase locked loops, demodulation circuits; matched filter; error performance in digital communications. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of C in both EE 301 and EE 302 or equivalents.
E E 532 - Communication Theory II
(3 hours)
Digital communication systems; modulation; demodulation; maximum likelihood detection; trade-offs between bandwidth and power; bit error rate; channel coding techniques: block coding, convolutional coding, and iterative decoding; mutual information; channel capacity; trelllis-coded modulation; synchronization. Prerequisite: EE 531.
E E 533 - Digital Image Processing
(3 hours)
Design of computer-based imaging systems; multidimensional filtering and quantization methods for image enhancement, restoration, and pattern recognition. Prerequisite: EE 302 or MTH 325.
E E 534 - Digital Signal Processing
(3 hours)
Representation and analysis of discrete time signals and systems. Finite and infinite impulse response filter design; computer-aided-design; Fast Fourier Transform; implementation of digital filters. Prerequisite: EE 302.
E E 535 - Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
(3 hours)
Provides a working knowledge of the theory, design, and engineering applications of artificial neural networks. Emphasis will be directed to low-level implementation such as embedded microcontrollers and integrated circuits. Specific architectures such as correlation matrix memory, perceptron, adaline, multilayer networks, radial-basis function networks, and Hopfield networks will be examined as well as their corresponding learning rules. Prerequisite: EE 302 or graduate standing.
E E 550 - Electromagnetic Theory
(3 hours)
Time-varying electric and magnetic fields; Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic potentials, electromagnetic boundary conditions, plane-wave propagation in unbounded conducting and non-conducting media, wave polarization, Poynting vector, reflection and transmission of waves at boundaries; radiation and antennas. Prerequisite: EE 381 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.
E E 551 - Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems
(3 hours)
Review of transmission lines, impedance matching and transformations, S-parameters, passive R.F. junctions, R.F. amplifier design, R.F. systems, and front end design. Prerequisite: EE 205, 206.
E E 555 - Optical Fiber Communication
(3 hours)
EM wave propagation in silica glass and step index optical fibers, LP modes, multimode and singlemode fibers, optical transmitters and receivers, design of optical fiber communication systems meeting industry standards. Prerequisite: EE 381 or consent of instructor.
E E 566 - Digital Systems: Memory and Interfacing
(3 hours)
Design of single-board computers using 32-bit processors; processor architecture and assembly language programming. Introduction to RISC processors. Prerequisite: EE 365 or consent of instructor.
E E 568 - VHDL: Digital System Design
(3 hours)
A structured guide to the modeling of the design of digital systems, using VHDL, a hardware description language. VHDL is designed to fill a number of needs in the design process. It allows description of the structure of a system, and the specification of the function using familiar programming language forms. As a result it allows the design of a system to be simulated and synthesized.
E E 575 - Power Systems I
(3 hours)
Analysis of electric power systems: fault studies; load flow; economic loading; stability; relaying; high voltage DC transmission; lightning and switching transients. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing in EE.
E E 582 - Medical Imaging
(3 hours)
Introduction to the common methods and devices employed for medical imaging, including conventional x-ray imaging, x-ray computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine (single photon planar imaging), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultra-sound imaging. The physics and design of systems, typical clinical applications, medical image processing, and tomographic reconstruction. Cross-listed as ME 582. Prerequisite: senior standing in engineering or consent of instructor.
E E 630 - Random Variables and Signals
(3 hours)
Axiomatic probability; probability distributions; correlation functions; power spectral density; random processes; Markov chains and Markov processes; linear and non-linear systems with random inputs; linear mean square estimation; Wiener and Kalman filtering; applications to signal processing problems. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of B in both EE 301 and EE 302 or equivalents; completion of a senior or graduate-level course in the area of signals and systems with a minimum grade of C.
E E 631 - Advanced Communication Theory
(3 hours)
Continuation of Electrical Engineering 531. Prerequisite: EE 531, 540.
E E 640 - Dynamic Systems Analysis
(3 hours)
Advanced techniques for analysis of electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical systems. State function concepts are emphasized with applications for determining state equations, system stability, and control. Prerequisite: EE 301 or equivalent. Completion of a senior- or graduate-level signals and systems course with a minimum grade of C.
E E 642 - Advanced Control Systems
(3 hours)
Continuation of EE 540. Prerequisite: EE 540.
E E 651 - Advanced Electrodynamics
(3 hours)
Continuation of EE 550. Special theory of relativity; plasma dynamics. Prerequisite: EE 540, 550.
E E 681 - Research
(0-6 hours)
Graduate research on a project selected by student and advisor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 semester hours.
E E 682 - Research
(0-6 hours)
Graduate research on a project selected by student and advisor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 semester hours.
E E 691 - Topics in Electrical Engineering
(0-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 semester hours.
E E 692 - Topics in Electrical Engineering
(0-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 semester hours.
E E 699 - Thesis
(0-6 hours)
Advanced electrical engineering research or design under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Required of students choosing thesis option. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite: Consent of department chair; unconditional status.
ECE 101 - Introduction to EE: DC Circuits
(2 hours)
Introduction to electrical engineering. Topics includes: voltage, current, resistance, power, and energy, fundamentals of DC circuit analysis using Ohm's and Kirchoff's laws, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, superposition, DC analysis of operational amplifiers, and simulation and analysis of DC circuits using SPICE.
ECE 102 - Intro to EE: Digital Systems
(3 hours)
Introduction to logic design with focus on the following topics: fundamentals of Boolean algebra and minimization techniques, logic realizations of SOP and POS functions, multiple function synthesis using PLDs, combinational circuit design as it applies to computers, sequential circuit elements, flip flops, counters and shift-registers, clock generation circuits, algorithmic state machine method of designing sequential circuits, and VHDL design and synthesis. Course culminates with a design project that uses VHDL to implement a finite state machine.
ECE 103 - Intro to EE: Computers and Programming
(3 hours)
Introduction to computers and operating systems; introduction to programming in a high level language appropriate to electrical engineering.
ECE 120 - Introduction to EE: Circuits and Digital Systems Laborator y
(2 hours)
The student is introduced to experimental implementation of direct current and digital circuits developed in EE 101 and EE 102 in order to verify circuit theory. In addition, the student is introduced to the design of digital circuitry focusing on top-down design methodology culminating in a digital robotic design project. Prerequisite: ECE101, ECE102.
ECE 204 - AC Circuits and Introduction to Systems
(3 hours)
The study of AC circuits with a dynamical systems approach. Topic covered: capacitance, inductance, phasors, impedance, admittance, Thevenin and Norton equivalents, operational amplifiers, differential equation models of linear circuits and systems, impulse and step responses, convolution integral, Laplace transform, frequency response, and transformers. Simulation and analysis of AC circuits using SPICE and MATLAB. Prerequisite: ECE 101 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in MTH 224.
ECE 205 - Microcontroller Architecture and Programming
(3 hours)
Introduction to an 8-bit microcontroller. Topics include: architecture, instruction set, assembly language programming, assembler directives, input/output operations, C language programming for an 8-bit embedded device, timers, analog-to-digital conversion, interrupts, timing analysis, embedded design project, and discussion of an integrated design environment that includes a assembler, compiler, and debugger. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 102, ECE103
ECE 206 - Continuous-time Signals and Systems
(3 hours)
The study of signals and systems using the continuous-time approach. Topics covered: Modeling of continuous time physical systems, sampling, transformation of continuous-time signals, Fourier series, Fourier transform, energy and power density spectra, filter design, stability, state variables for continuous-time systems, feedback, bandwidth, modulation. Simulation and analysis of systems using MATLAB and Simulink. Prerequisite: ECE 204 with a minimum grade of C, MTH 207. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in MTH 224.
ECE 207 - Simulation and Analysis for Electrical Engineers
(3 hours)
Numerical analysis and modeling techniques of real-world problems as pertinent to electrical engineers using MATLAB and Simulink. Prerequisite: ECE103 with a minimum grade of C, MTH 207. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 206.
ECE 208 - Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic Fields
(3 hours)
Time-harmonic steady-state and transient analysis of radio frequency (RF) transmission lines (T Lines); impedance matching; the Smith chart and its applications; vector analysis; static electric fields and capacitance; steady currents and resistance; static magnetic fields and inductance; electrical and magnetic properties of materials; electric and magnetic boundary conditions; electric and magnetic energies. Prerequisite: ECE 204 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in MTH 223.
ECE 221 - AC Circuits and Systems Laboratory
(1 hour)
The student is introduced to experimental implementation of topics covered in ECE 204, ECE 205, ECE 206, and ECE 208. Experiments will be conducted using the following topics: time- and frequency-domain analysis of RC and RL circuits, system identification, resonance, active filters, sampling and analog-to-digital conversion, modeling, microcontroller applications, modulation, feedback, and transmission lines. The laboratory will culminate in a design project. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 120, ECE 205. Corequisites: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 206 and ECE 208.
ECE 301 - Discrete-time Signals and Systems
(3 hours)
The study of signals and systems using the discrete-time approach. Topic covered: modeling of discrete-time physical systems, sampling and reconstruction of signals, analog-to-digital converters, quantization, arithmetic formats (fixed- and floating-point), analysis of discrete-time LTI systems, Implementation of discrete-time systems, Z-transforms, frequency analysis of discrete-time signals, frequency domain analysis of LTI systems, discrete Fourier transform, design of FIR and IIR filters. Simulation and analysis of systems using MATLAB and Simulink. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 206
ECE 302 - Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for EE
(3 hours)
Exploration of probability, statistics and random processes with emphasis on engineering applications. Topics covered: probability models, probability axioms, statistical independence, conditional probability, random variables, probability distributions, joint probability density functions, correlation, covariance, statistical estimate of random parameters, sampling distributions, reliability, random processes, power spectral density, and response of LTI systems to random inputs. Simulation and analysis using MATLAB. Prerequisite: ECE 206 with a minimum grade of C
ECE 303 - Electronics
(3 hours)
Fundamentals of macro-electronic circuits and systems. Topics covered: transistor switch, diodes, zener diodes, operational amplifiers and their imperfections, transistor biasing, small and large signal models of transistors, transistor amplifiers, digital interface, and introduction to power electronics. Simulations and analysis of electronic circuits and systems using SPICE. Prerequisite: ECE 204 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 322 - Electronics and Interfacing Laboratory
(2 hours)
Laboratory sequence with focus on design of electronic interfaces to embedded devices. Topics include: transistor switches, analog-to-digital conversion, digital-to-analog conversion, pulse-width modulation, communication interfaces. Culminates in a design project. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 205, ECE 221. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 303.
ECE 401 - Undergraduate Design Seminar I
(1 hour)
Entrepreneurship and business plans, marketing and engineering, teamwork dynamics and interpersonal skills, product liability, professional ethics via ethics game, and guest lectures. Prerequisite: ECE 497 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 402 - Undergraduate Design Seminar II
(1 hour)
Multidisciplinary team effort to identify a market need based on realistic constraints; propose an electrical or electronic product to meet the need; prepare and present a strategy for launching a business venture to design, develop, manufacture and sell the product. Prerequisite: ECE401 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 409 - Special Topics
(1-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
ECE 410 - Special Topics
(1-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
ECE 413 - Microelectronics
(3 hours)
Analysis and design of integrated circuit components. Prerequisite: ECE 303 with minimum grade of C.
ECE 431 - Communication Theory I
(3 hours)
Orthogonal signal representation; review of Fourier series and Fourier transform; basic probability theory; random processes; power spectral density; Shannon's channel capacity; sampling theorem; baseband signaling; bandpass signaling; complex envelop representation of signals and systems; analog modulations; binary and M-ary digital modulations; phase locked loops, demodulation circuits; matched filter; error performance in digital communications. Cross-listed as ECE 531. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ECE 206. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 302.
ECE 432 - Communication Theory II
(3 hours)
Digital communication systems; modulation; demodulation; maximum likelihood detection; trade-offs between bandwidth and power; bit error rate; channel coding techniques: block coding, convolutional coding, and iterative decoding; mutual information; channel capacity; trellis-coded modulation; synchronization. Cross-listed as ECE 532. Prerequisite: ECE 431 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 440 - Electromechanical Systems
(3 hours)
Introduction to dynamic systems analysis with emphasis on mathematical modeling of sensors and electromechanical devices for control system applications. Fundamentals of power and industrial electronics. Prerequisite: ECE 206 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 303.
ECE 441 - Control System Theory I
(3 hours)
Analysis and design of linear automatic control systems for continuous-time systems using classical control theory. Root locus and Bode methods. Modeling of physical systems. Introduction to digital control. Computer-aided design and simulation. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ECE 206 and ECE 221. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 303.
ECE 442 - Control System Theory II
(3 hours)
Frequency domain design of linear automatic control systems. Analysis and design of linear automatic control systems for sampled-data and discrete-time systems. Classical and modern control theory methods. Modeling of sampled-data and discrete-time systems. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 441 and ECE 301
ECE 450 - Electromagnetic Theory
(3 hours)
Time-varying electric and magnetic fields; Maxwell's equations; electromagnetic potentials; electromagnetic boundary conditions; plane-wave propagation in unbounded conducting and non-conducting media; wave polarization; Poynting vector; reflection and transmission of waves at boundaries;and radiation and antennas. Cross-listed as ECE 550. Prerequisite: ECE 208 with a minimum of C.
ECE 451 - Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems
(3 hours)
Review of transmission lines, impedance matching and transformations, S-parameters, passive RF junctions, RF amplifier design, RF systems, and front-end design. Cross-listed as ECE 551. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 208, ECE 221. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 303.
ECE 452 - Wireless Communication Systems
(3 hours)
Introduction to wireless communication systems; modulation and detection; noise, attenuation; multipath and fading; sensitivity, distortion, inter-modulation, and dynamic range; wireless link RF design; transmitter and receiver architectures; RF components and subsystems; selected wireless systems including multiple-access cellular systems. Cross-listed as ECE 552. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 206, ECE 208. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 303.
ECE 453 - Radio Frequency Communications Laboratory
(3 hours)
Radio frequency measurements of wireless system components and subsystems, time and frequency domain measurements of analog and digital signals in communication systems, computer-aided design, fabrication, and testing of microwave integrated circuit. Cross-listed as ECE 553. Prerequisite: ECE 451 with a minimum of C.
ECE 460 - Digital Signal Processing
(3 hours)
Design of digital filters and multirate systems. Topics include: review of discrete-time signals and systems, generalized linear phase, all-pass filters, minimum phase systems, inverse systems, FIR filter design, IIR filter design, resampling in time and frequency domain, half-band filters, polyphase filters, quadrature mirror filters and wavelets. Cross-listed as ECE 560. Prerequisite: ECE 301 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 461 - Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing
(3 hours)
Statistical and adaptive filtering. Topics covered: review of discrete-time signals and systems, review of random variables and processes, linear signal modeling, optimum linear filters, algorithms and structures for optimum linear filters, least-squares filtering and prediction, adaptive filters, array processing. Cross-listed as ECE 561. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE301, ECE302
ECE 462 - Digital Image Processing
(3 hours)
Introduction to image processing. Topics covered: digital image fundamentals, image enhancements in spatial domain, image restoration, color image processing, wavelets and multiresolution, image compression, morphological image processing, image segmentation, pattern recognition. Cross-listed as ECE 562. Prerequisite: ECE 301 or ME 273 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 463 - Medical Imaging
(3 hours)
Introduction to the common methods and devices employed for medical imaging, including conventional x-ray imaging, x-ray computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine (single photon planar imaging), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultra-sound imaging. The physics and design of systems, typical clinical applications, medical image processing, and tomographic reconstruction. Cross-listed as ECE 563 and ME 582. Prerequisite: ECE 206 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 465 - Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
(3 hours)
Provides a working knowledge of the theory, design, and engineering applications of artificial neural networks. Emphasis will be directed to low-level implementation such as embedded microcontrollers and integrated circuits. Specific architectures such as correlation matrix memory, perceptron, adaline, multilayer networks, radial-basis function networks, and Hopfield networks will be examined as well as their corresponding learning rules. Cross-listed as ECE 565. Prerequisite: ECE 302 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 466 - Real-time DSP Laboratory
(3 hours)
Real-time digital signal processing focuses on the design and implementation of signal processing algorithms for real-world applications. Topics covered: DSP architecture, instruction set, assembly language, assembler directives, C programming, and mixed C/assembly programming for optimization. In addition, applications of FIR filtering, IIR filtering, multirate techniques, spectral analysis using a TI DSP will be covered. The laboratory will culminate with a design project of the students choice in any of these areas: audio, controls, communications, image processing, power electronics, robotics, speech processing, and video processing. Cross-listed as ECE 566. Prerequisite: ECE 301 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 467 - Robotics Design Laboratory
(3 hours)
An explorative laboratory-based study of interfacing microcontrollers with sensors and other electrical components frequently used in autonomous robotics. Prerequisite: ECE 322 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 471 - Real-time Operating Systems
(3 hours)
Advanced programming of small microprocessor-based systems using high-level programming languages applied to real situations: data acquisition, control, communication, small real-time operating systems. Software development for devices from a family of microcontrollers that are relevant to industrial applications. Cross-listed as ECE 571. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with minimum grade of C.
ECE 472 - Embedded Microcontroller Linux
(3 hours)
Understanding of Linux and its adoption as an embedded OS platform, including process and thread management; communication, synchronization, and deadlocks; virtual memory and file systems; overview of methods and techniques to design and create embedded systems based on the Linux kernel. The essentials of the Linux operating system are discussed from the embedded system point of view, including selecting, configuring, cross-compiling, and installing a target-specific kernel, drivers, and subsystems; the GNU development tool chain; and tools used to build embedded Linux systems. Cross-listed as ECE 572. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 473 - Embedded TCP/IP
(3 hours)
Fundamental concepts of computer networks and network programming; computer network topologies; TCP/IP stack; IP routing and routing algorithms; client-server paradigm; lower-layers protocols: IP, UDP, and TCP; basic application-layer protocols: HTTP, SMTP, POP3, TIME, TFTP, and DHCP; Berkeley Socket API; examples of socket API for small 8-bit or 16-bit embedded microcontroller system; principles of network security. Cross-listed as ECE 573. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 474 - Robotic Navigation with Simultaneous Localization and Mapp ing
(3 hours)
Principles of locomotion, sensing, localization, and motion planning of mobile robots; building of and locating in probabilistic maps; cooperative localization, mapping, and exploration; cooperative object transport; multi-robot motion coordination. Cross-listed as ECE 574. Prerequisite: ECE 470 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 480 - Digital Subsystems and Interfaces
(3 hours)
A survey of the most common peripheral devices used in embedded and programmable devices. Cross-listed as ECE 580. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum of C. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE 303.
ECE 481 - VHDL: Digital System Design
(3 hours)
A structured guide to the modeling of the design of digital systems, using VHDL, a hardware description language. VHDL is designed to fill a number of needs in the design process. It allows description of the structure of a system and the specification of the function using familiar programming language forms. As a result it allows the design of a system to be simulated and synthesized. Cross-listed as ECE 581. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ECE322.
ECE 482 - FPGA Hardware/Software Codesign
(3 hours)
Provides an introduction to hardware/software (HW/SW) codesign. The codesign is a set of methodologies and techniques to support the concurrent design to effectively reduce multiple iteration and major redesigns in embedded systems. FPGA device is an innovative platform to conduct codesign for System-on-a-Chip (SoC). Topics covered: FPGA architecture; embedded development tool flow; introduction to SoC; shared/dedicated busses; customized IP design; HW/SW interface; system performance analysis and bottleneck identification for a given HW/SW architecture; software partition; transformation between HW/SW components; hardware acceleration, FPGA codesign applications. Cross-listed as ECE 582. Prerequisite: ECE 480 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 483 - Digital Systems: Microprocessor Architecture -- Internal
(3 hours)
Architectures of CISC & RISC microprocessors: CPU, Control Unit, ALU, MMU, pipelines, etc. Design trade-offs investigated. Cross-listed as ECE 583. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 205.
ECE 484 - Digital Systems: Microprocessor Architecture -- External
(3 hours)
Architecture of microprocessor systems: Evolution, external memory, Input & Output, Operating Systems, etc. Design trade-offs investigated. Cross-listed as ECE 584. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 205.
ECE 497 - Capstone Project System Level Design
(1 hour)
The primary goal of this course is to have the student (and partner) choose a senior project and use a top-down design approach prior to implementation in senior lab. In addition, the student will serve on a Design Review Team (DRT) that will analyze other senior projects. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 301, ECE 302, ECE 303, and ECE 322. Concurrent enrollment in two core courses.
ECE 498 - Senior Capstone Project I
(3 hours)
Design and implementation of senior design capstone project. Requires an oral progress presentation. Prerequisite: ECE 497 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 499 - Senior Capstone Project II
(3 hours)
Continuation of the design and implementation of the senior design capstone project. Culminates in an oral presentation and a written report. Prerequisite: ECE 498 with a minimum grade of C.
ECE 531 - Communication Theory I
(3 hours)
Orthogonal signal representation; review of Fourier series and Fourier transform; basic probability theory; random processes; power spectral density; Shannon's channel capacity; sampling theorem; baseband signaling; bandpass signaling; complex envelop representation of signals and systems; analog modulations; binary and M-ary digital modulations; phase locked loops, demodulation circuits; matched filter; error performance in digital communications. Cross-listed as ECE 431. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in: ECE 206, ECE 302 or equivalents. Not open to students with credit in ECE 431.
ECE 532 - Communication Theory II
(3 hours)
Digital communication systems; modulation; demodulation; maximum likelihood detection; trade-offs between bandwidth and power; bit error rate; channel coding techniques: block coding, convolutional coding, and iterative decoding; mutual information; channel capacity; trellis-coded modulation; synchronization. Cross-listed as ECE 432. Prerequisite: ECE 531 with a minimum grade of B or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 432.
ECE 550 - Electromagnetic Theory
(3 hours)
ECE 551 - Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems
(3 hours)
Review of transmission lines, impedance matching and transformations, S-parameters, passive RF junctions, RF amplifier design, RF systems, and front-end design. Cross-listed as ECE 451. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE208, ECE221, ECE303 or equivalents. Not open to students with credit in ECE 451.
ECE 552 - Wireless Communication Systems
(3 hours)
Introduction to wireless communication systems; modulation and detection; noise, attenuation; multipath and fading; sensitivity distortion, inter-modulation, and dynamic range; wireless link RF design; transmitter and receiver architectures; RF components and subsystems; selected wireless systems including multiple-access cellular systems. Cross-listed as ECE 452. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE 206, ECE 208, ECE 303 or equivalents. Not open to students with credit in ECE 452.
ECE 553 - Radio Frequency Communications Laboratory
(3 hours)
Radio frequency measurements of wireless system components and subsystems, time and frequency domain measurements of analog and digital signals in communication systems, computer-aided design, fabrication, and testing of microwave integrated circuit. Cross-listed as ECE 453. Prerequisite: ECE 551 with a minimum of B or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 453.
ECE 555 - Optical Fiber Communication
(3 hours)
EM wave propagation in silica glass and step index optical fibers, LP modes, multimode and singlemode fibers, optical transmitters and receivers, design of optical fiber communication systems meeting industry standards. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE208 or equivalent.
ECE 560 - Digital Signal Processing
(3 hours)
Design of digital filters and multirate systems. Topics include: review of discrete-time signals and systems, generalized linear phase, all-pass filters, minimum phase systems, inverse systems, FIR filter design, IIR filter design, resampling in time and frequency domain, half-band filters, polyphase filters, quadrature mirror filters and wavelets. Cross-listed as ECE 460. Prerequisite: ECE 301 with a minimum grade of C or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 460.
ECE 561 - Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing
(3 hours)
Statistical and adaptive filtering. Topics covered: review of discrete-time signals and systems, review of random variables and processes, linear signal modeling, optimum linear filters, algorithms and structures for optimum linear filters, least-squares filtering and prediction, adaptive filters, array processing. Cross-listed as ECE 461. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in: ECE301, ECE302 or equivalents. Not open to students with credit in ECE 461.
ECE 562 - Digital Image Processing
(3 hours)
Introduction to image processing. Topics covered: digital image fundamentals, image enhancements in spatial domain, image restoration, color image processing, wavelets and multiresolution, image compression, morphological image processing, image segmentation, pattern recognition. Cross-listed as ECE 462. Prerequisite: ECE 301 or ME 273 with a minimum grade of C or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 462.
ECE 563 - Medical Imaging
(3 hours)
Introduction to the common methods and devices employed for medical imaging, including conventional x-ray imaging, x-ray computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine (single photon planar imaging), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultra-sound imaging. The physics and design of systems, typical clinical applications, medical image processing, and tomographic reconstruction. Cross-listed as ECE 463. Prerequisite: ECE 206 with a minimum grade of C or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 463.
ECE 565 - Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
(3 hours)
Provides a working knowledge of the theory, design, and engineering applications of artificial neural networks. Emphasis will be directed to low-level implementation such as embedded microcontrollers and integrated circuits. Specific architectures such as correlation matrix memory, perceptron, adaline, multilayer networks, radial-basis function networks, and Hopfield networks will be examined as well as their corresponding learning rules. Cross-listed as ECE 465. Prerequisite: ECE 302 with a minimum grade of C or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 465.
ECE 566 - Real-time DSP Laboratory
(3 hours)
Real-time digital signal processing focuses on the design and implementation of signal processing algorithms for real-world applications. Topics covered: DSP architecture, instruction set, assembly language, assembler directives, C programming, and mixed C/assembly programming for optimization. In addition, applications of FIR filtering, IIR filtering, multirate techniques and spectral analysis using a TI DSP will be covered. The laboratory will culminate with a design project of the student's choice in any of these areas: audio, controls, communications, image processing, power electronics, robotics, speech processing, and video processing. Cross-listed as ECE 466. Prerequisite: ECE 301 with a minimum grade of C or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 466.
ECE 571 - Real-time Operating Systems
(3 hours)
Advanced programming of small microprocessor-based systems using high-level programming languages applied to real situations: data acquisition, control, communication, small real-time operating systems. Software development for devices from a family of microcontrollers that is relevant to industrial applications. Cross-listed as ECE 471. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with minimum grade of C or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 471.
ECE 572 - Embedded Microcontroller Linux
(3 hours)
Understanding of Linux and its adoption as an embedded OS platform including process and thread management; communication, synchronization, and deadlocks; virtual memory and file systems; overview of methods and techniques to design and create embedded systems based on the Linux kernel. The essentials of the Linux operating system are discussed from the embedded system point of view, including selecting, configuring, cross-compiling, and installing a target-specific kernel, drivers, and subsystems; the GNU development tool chain; and tools used to build embedded Linux systems. Cross-listed as ECE 472. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum grade of C or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 472.
ECE 573 - Embedded TCP/IP
(3 hours)
Fundamental concepts of computer networks and network programming; computer network topologies; TCP/IP stack; IP routing and routing algorithms; client-server paradigm; lower-layers protocols: IP, UDP, and TCP; basic application-layer protocols: HTTP, SMTP, POP3, TIME, TFTP, and DHCP; Berkeley Socket API; examples of socket API for small 8-bit or 16-bit embedded microcontroller system; principles of network security. Cross-listed as ECE 473. Prerequisite: ECE 205 with a minimum grade of C or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 473.
ECE 574 - Robotic Navigation with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
(3 hours)
Principles of locomotion, sensing, localization, and motion planning of mobile robots; building of and locating in probabilistic maps; cooperative localization, mapping, and exploration; cooperative object transport; multi-robot motion coordination. Cross-listed as ECE 474. Prerequisite: ECE 570 with a minimum grade of B or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 474.
ECE 580 - Digital Subsystems and Interfaces
(3 hours)
A survey of the most commonly used peripheral devices used in embedded and programmable devices. Cross-listed as ECE 480. Prerequisite: A minimum of C in: ECE 205, ECE 303 or equivalents. Not open to students with credit in ECE 480.
ECE 581 - VHDL: Digital System Design
(3 hours)
A structured guide to the modeling of the design of digital systems, using VHDL, a hardware description language. VHDL is designed to fill a number of needs in the design process. It allows description of the structure of a system and the specification of the function using familiar programming language forms. As a result it allows the design of a system to be simulated and synthesized. Cross-listed as ECE 481. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE322 or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 481.
ECE 582 - FPGA Hardware/Software Codesign
(3 hours)
Provides an introduction to hardware/software (HW/SW) codesign. The codesign is a set of methodologies and techniques to support the concurrent design to effectively reduce multiple iteration and major redesigns in embedded systems. FPGA device is an innovative platform to conduct codesign for System-on-a-Chip (SoC). Topics covered: FPGA architecture; embedded development tool flow; introduction to SoC; shared/dedicated busses; customized IP design; HW/SW interface; system performance analysis and bottleneck identification for a given HW/SW architecture; software partition; transformation between HW/SW components; hardware acceleration, FPGA codesign applications. Cross-listed as ECE 482. Prerequisite: ECE 580 with a minimum grade of B or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 482.
ECE 583 - Digital Systems: Microprocessor Architecture -- Internal
(3 hours)
Architectures of CISC & RISC microprocessors: CPU, Control Unit, ALU, MMU, pipelines, etc. Design trade-offs investigated. Cross-listed as ECE 483. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 205 or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 483.
ECE 584 - Digital Systems: Microprocessor Architecture -- External
(3 hours)
Architecture of microprocessor systems: Evolution, external memory, Input & Output, Operating Systems, etc. Design trade-offs investigated. Cross-listed as ECE 484. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE205 or equivalent. Not open to students with credit in ECE 484.
ECE 630 - Random Variables and Signals
(3 hours)
Axiomatic probability; probability distributions; correlation functions; power spectral density; random processes; Markov chains and Markov processes; linear and non-linear systems with random inputs; linear mean square estimation; Wiener and Kalman filtering; applications to signal processing problems. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of B in ECE 302 or equivalent.
ECE 631 - Advanced Communication Theory
(3 hours)
Wireless communication systems, spread spectrum systems; multiple access techniques; software-defined radios; iterative receiver design; application to engineering problems: Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Prerequisite: ECE 532 with a minimum grade of B.
ECE 640 - Dynamic Systems Analysis
(3 hours)
Advanced techniques for analysis of electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical systems. State function concepts are emphasized with applications for determining state equations, system stability, and control. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C in ECE 441 or equivalent.
ECE 642 - Advanced Control Systems
(3 hours)
Analysis, design and implementation of digital computer-controlled systems. Transform and state variable methods are used to analyze and design digital controllers. Introduction to discrete time optimal control, Kalman-Bucy filtering, system identification, nonlinear control, adaptive control, H-infinity control, contemporary software and hardware tools for design and rapid implementation of real-time digital controllers, and hardware-in-the-loop simulation of closed loop systems are presented. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of B in ECE640.
ECE 643 - Optimal Control Systems
(3 hours)
Analysis and design of multivariable control systems: stability, observability and controllability, deterministic/stochastic linear optimal regulator and observers, and multivariable stability robustness. Prerequisite: ECE 640 with a minimum grade of B.
ECE 650 - Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
(3 hours)
Field analysis of transmission lines including planar transmission lines, rectangular and circular waveguides, electromagnetic resonators, periodic structures and filters, circuit theory for wave-guiding systems and, impedance transformation and matching. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of B in ECE 550
This is the official catalog for the 2013-2014 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.