EGT Courses

EGT 101 - Introduction to Engineering & Technology (0-3 hours)
This course offers an in-depth introduction of the engineering profession in order to provide undecided engineering students more awareness of opportunities and differences within the engineering disciplines. Emphases: the design process, engineering problem solving and tools, engineering ethics, experimentation, and communication. Prerequisite: Major in EGT UEG

EGT 200 - Sophomore Engineering Practicum (0 hours)
Solving technically challenging problems with a near-term economic benefit. Only for students approved for practicum by the Dean's Office. Pass/fail.

EGT 210 - Sophomore Engineering Internship (0 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Full-time internship away from campus for engineering and technology students to gain academic or career-related work experience in industry. May be repeated only with consent of internship coordinator and internship faculty advisor. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing in the College of Engineering and Technology, 2.0 overall gradepoint average at Bradley, approval of engineering and technology Co-op coordinator and Co-op faculty advisor.

EGT 300 - Junior Engineering Practicum (0 hours)
Solving technically challenging problems with a near-term economic benefit. Only for students approved for practicum by the Dean's Office. Pass/Fail.

EGT 301 - CCET Global Scholars Seminar (1-1 hours)
Seminar topics of special interest relevant to enhancement of the study abroad program. Topics may vary each time course is offered. May be repeated under different topics for a total of 2 semester hours. Topic and prerequisites stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: Overall GPA of 2.50 or higher.

EGT 310 - Junior Engineering Internship (0 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Full-time internship away from campus for engineering and technology students to gain academic or career-related work experience in industry. May be repeated only with consent of internship coordinator and internship faculty advisor. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Junior standing in the College of Engineering and Technology, 2.0 overall grade point average at Bradley, approval of internship coordinator and internship faculty advisor.

EGT 340 - Sustainability Issues in Business and Engineering (3 hours)
Core Curr. MI
This course will provide an overview and history of sustainability. Students will gain a greater appreciation of sustainability by integrating engineering and business methods. Topics include carbon markets, renewable resources, sustainable communities, green marketing, and innovative technologies. Cross-listed with BUS 340.

EGT 400 - Senior Engineering Practicum (0 hours)
Solving technically challenging problems with a near-term economic benefit. Only for students approved for practicum by the Dean's Office. Pass/fail. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

EGT 410 - Senior Engineering Internship (0 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Full-time internship away from campus for engineering and technology students to gain academic or career-related work experience in industry. May be repeated only with consent of internship coordinator and internship faculty advisor. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Senior standing in the College of Engineering and Technology, 2.0 overall grade point average at Bradley, approval of internship coordinator and internship faculty advisor.

EGT 500 - Graduate Engineering Practicum (0 hours)
Solving challenging problems with a near-term economic benefit. Only for students approved for practicum by the Dean's Office. Pass/fail. Prerequisite: Graduate student.

EGT 510 - Graduate Engineering Internship (0 hours)
Full-time internship away from campus for engineering and technology students to gain academic or career-related work experience in industry. May be repeated only with consent of internship coordinator and internship faculty advisor. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: engineering and technology graduate student. Newly admitted graduate student must be unconditionally admitted and continuing student must have a minimum of 3.0 grade point average in graduate courses. Approval of internship coordinator and internship faculty advisor.