Military Science

A cross-enrollment agreement between Illinois State University (ISU) and Bradley University makes training in the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (AROTC) available to qualified Bradley students who desire to earn appointment as commissioned officers in the United States Army. The goal of the AROTC is to commission college graduates into the Active, National Guard, and Reserve components of the Army. Military science classes are conducted on Illinois State’s campus in Normal, Illinois and at Bradley University. Military science classes are recorded on students’ transcripts, and the grades received and semester hours of credit are counted as if they had been taken at Bradley. For more information, please contact the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at (309) 677-2384.


To complete the basic course a student must complete MS 101, 102, 201, and 202, normally taken in that sequence, over a four-semester period. Exceptions are determined by law and may be discussed on an individual basis with the professor of Military Science at ISU. Entry into the advanced course requires successful completion of the basic course, basic camp or advanced placement, and acceptance by the professor of Military Science. The advanced course must be completed over a four-semester period, the usual sequence consisting of MS 301, 302, 401, and 402.