As an example to others and to recognize the meaningful and influential commitment to Bradley University by its tenth president, Joanne K. Glasser, the Board of Trustees established the Joanne K. Glasser Endowed Tradition and Spirit Award.
The purpose of the Joanne K. Glasser Endowed Tradition and Spirit Award is to support initiatives that develop campus traditions and invigorate school spirit.
Eligibility Requirements
Recipient(s) must be recognized University organizations, groups, individuals, or units directly affiliated with Bradley. Recipients will demonstrate an effort that will be a sustained effort/support and enhancement of tradition and school spirit.
Preference will be given to:
- Activities that will be prideful, inclusive, respectful and enduring to those that participate or experience the activity
- Acknowledge creativity
- Student and/or alumni activities (but not limited to them)
The Glasser Tradition and Spirit Award will be given annually, as long as deemed appropriate by the selection committee. Award dollars will be available in accordance with the endowment regulations of Bradley University. Approximately $2000 will be available annually for awards and an award may go to one effort or be disseminated among multiple efforts.
Proposal Evaluation
A committee chaired by the Vice President for Student Affairs will evaluate all proposals based on potential impact on tradition and school spirit. All decisions are final.
Application Process
The deadline to apply is April 1, 2025. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered. To apply, click on the Apply Now button above. The review committee may request meetings/presentations with finalists. Please note award designation will not be made at the Student Leader Award Recognition ceremony.