6.04.01 Account and Access Termination
I. Purpose
This procedure documents the steps to terminate accounts and/or permissions to computing resources.
Policy Supported
6.04 Account and Access Termination
II. Description
Terminating Access to Proprietary or Protected Data
We will remove administrative accounts and privileges for administrative users as soon as we are aware that they are no longer employed by the University. Computing Services staff will monitor the Human Resources system to detect changes in work status.
The Provost's office will send a copy of the Personnel Update report to Computing Services and the Registrar's Office on a monthly basis.
The Human Resources Office will report all terminated and transferred classified employees to Computing Services immediately.
These reports will be used to remove accounts of departing Faculty and Staff. Computing Services' staff will review this report immediately upon receiving it to deactivate the accounts of the departing staff members.
Access to some administrative information is controlled by the Registrar. The Registrar will review reports to ensure that departing staff lose their access to student information.
Staff transferring from a position requiring access to proprietary or protected data will have that access removed.
Terminating Email Service
Access to administrative email for administrative personnel will normally be removed immediately after departure.
Retired faculty and staff will be able to use Bradley email for life.
Alumni will be able to use Bradley email for life.
Students assigned an email account but never show up for classes will have their email account terminated at the end of the 3rd week of the intended entry term. Students who leave without becoming Alumni (as defined by Alumni Relations), will have their email accounts terminated 120 days after the end of the last term attended.
Access to Other Service
Access to other computing and networking services will be terminated immediately.
III. Scope
This procedure applies to Bradley University systems.