A $15 fee per student will be assessed on all cancellations. If one student is enrolled in three classes, the processing fee will only be $15.
Cancellations received by June 17 will receive a full refund less the $15 processing fee per student. Cancellations received between June 18 - July 2 will receive 50% refund, less the $15 processing fee per student.
No refunds if cancellation received after July 2.
WOW reserves the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment. Students enrolled in a class that is canceled will be offered an alternative class or a full refund.
Class Confirmations
Families will receive an email confirmation of the class registration.
There will be an email sent prior to camp which will include information about the optional drop-in orientation session, sack lunch requirements, recreation, drop-off, and pick-up procedures, and more details about the program.
Class registrations are based on the order in which applications are received.
Financial Aid / Scholarships
Partial scholarships are available to assist with tuition for families who qualify for free or reduced-price school meals.
You may request a form by calling (309) 677-3900.
Scholarship applications cannot be accepted via online registration. A registration form must be completed and mailed in or dropped off.
Due to limited resources, WOW may not be able to grant every scholarship request.
Student Behavior
WOW believes students learn best in an atmosphere of respect for the teacher and each other. Students who choose to behave in ways that interfere with other students’ opportunities to learn, and/or the instructors’ opportunities to teach, forfeit their own opportunity to participate in WOW. We reserve the right to dismiss students from class for such reasons. In these cases, no refunds will be given. Family support and cooperation with this matter is appreciated.
Contact Information
For questions about registration, deadlines, or arrangements contact Catherine Lawless at (309) 677-3900 or clawless@bradley.edu.