Parents and Supporters
Every part of the Academic Exploration Program (AEP) at Bradley University is designed to help your student achieve success. While each student navigates the major and career exploration process a little differently, the professional staff advisors in AEP will help your student make intentional, efficient and educated decisions about course registration and major declaration.
Whether your student is undecided about their major or is on the fence between two or more, AEP is a great place for students to start their education. Some students will begin college with a general idea about the direction their major is going. For these students, it is not uncommon to have a class schedule that looks similar (if not identical) to their peers with a declared major.
For those students who have a broad range of major options, AEP staff will help students be intentional about selecting Core Curriculum coursework that will get students exposed to a variety of academic disciplines while simultaneously completing graduation requirements.
Because of this, most students who enter the university in AEP will graduate on-track with their peers who entered with a declared major. In addition to timely graduation, 98% of graduates who started in AEP reported positive career outcomes1.
198% of students who graduated and who began in AEP from 2006-2010 reported employment, continued education, or other intentions