Mund-Lagowski Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chemistry and biochemistry occupy unique territory. Chemistry is often called the “central science” because it links physical sciences (physics, materials science, etc.) with life sciences (biology, genetics, etc.) and applied sciences (engineering and medicine). Chemistry focuses on the properties and behavior of all matter while biochemistry applies chemical principles to compounds that make up living organisms. A degree in either would prepare you for a career in a variety of fields including agriculture, forensic science, medicine, energy, and renewable materials development.

The Mund-Lagowski Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers you multiple routes to a degree. You can pursue a degree in biochemistry or chemistry. To allow you to customize for different career plans, the chemistry major is offered as five concentrations — American Chemical Society-certified, pre-health professions, chemical engineering, high school education, or Bachelor of Arts. All programs provide a strong foundation in all five areas of chemistry — analytical, organic, inorganic, physical and biochemistry. In addition, you have the opportunity to engage in faculty-mentored research to further foster communication, critical thinking, and lab skills.

Additionally, you can earn a graduate degree in chemistry or biochemistry. The graduate degrees are available as traditional two-year programs or five-year programs combined with undergraduate degrees. A chemistry minor also is available.

Successful students will be able to:

  • Describe and integrate the fundamental principles of chemistry and apply them to scientific problems
  • Distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors and implement safe laboratory practices
  • Design and implement appropriate experimental methods to solve problems, employing the principles of green chemistry whenever possible
  • Effectively collaborate to solve problems
  • Identify and use scientific literature to interpret and solve scientific problems
  • Analyze data, interpret results, and draw appropriate conclusions
  • Effectively communicate science to diverse audiences

The Green Chemistry Commitment

In 2019, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry signed the Green Chemistry Commitment sponsored by Beyond Benign ( Green Chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce and/or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. By signing the Green Chemistry Commitment, the Department has pledged to implement the following green chemistry student learning objectives.

  • Theory: Have a working knowledge of the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry
  • Toxicology: Have an understanding of the principles of toxicology, the molecular mechanisms of how chemicals affect human health and the environment, and the resources to identify and assess molecular hazards
  • Laboratory Skills: Possess the ability to assess chemical products and processes and design greener alternatives when appropriate
  • Application: Be prepared to serve society in their professional capacity as scientists and professionals through the articulation, evaluation and employment of methods and chemicals that are benign for human health and the environment

Our faculty are working to progressively implement these objectives into our curriculum so that our graduates possess skills are aligned with the needs of the planet and its inhabitants in the 21st century!

Over the past 10 years, 95% of graduates have been accepted into professional schools and 100% into graduate programs.

Accredited by the American Chemical Society