Manufacturing Engineering

The manufacturing engineering major gives you the knowledge and skills to design and optimize materials, manufacturing, production and supply chain systems.  Manufacturing engineering is the only engineering discipline that deals with the entire production process from product design, materials selection, lean manufacturing and supply chain integration, to ensure the optimized system is time-efficient and cost-effective while it produces superior quality products or services.

Preparing You for Success

As a successful manufacturing engineering major, you integrate the knowledge and skills of mechanical engineering and industrial engineering. With this background, you will know how to design and make products well, and more importantly, will be capable of making things efficiently and cost effectively.  Many of the manufacturing engineering courses are centered on hands-on skill development in our renovated manufacturing labs. Furthermore, you can tailor the degree to your career interests by choosing a concentration in lean manufacturing or process engineering.

By the time you graduate, your experiences may include:

  • Networking and professional development through student organizations such as the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and the American Society for Metals
  • Research projects, study abroad programs, co-op programs, internships and a semester-long senior design project.
  • Designing tooling, fixtures or machines
  • Systematic selection of engineering materials for making more cost-effective products
  • Six sigma approach to optimizing manufacturing processes
  • Troubleshooting quality or process issues within manufacturing processes
  • Cost and budgetary responsibilities in lean manufacturing system design

Making Your Mark

Manufacturing engineering majors are valuable in both engineering innovation and business operation. In recent years, almost all manufacturing engineering students started their professional careers or continued their education within six months of graduation. They’re working at companies such as Boeing, John Deere, Borgwarner, HNI, Caterpillar, Deublin and Kohler.


Bradley's manufacturing engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Major Requirements

Required Courses - 44 hrs.

  • IME 101: Introduction to Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - 1 hr.
  • IME 103: Computer Aided Graphics - 2 hrs.
  • IME 110: Introduction to Computers and Computational Analysis - 3 hrs.
  • IME 301: Engineering Economy I - 3 hrs.
  • IME 311: Intro to Engineering Statistical Methods - 3 hrs.
  • IME 331: Fundamentals of Materials Science - 3 hrs.
  • IME 333: Material Science Laboratory - 2 hrs.
  • IME 341: Introduction to Manufacturing Processes - 3 hrs.
  • IMT 362: Metrology and Instrumentation - 3 hrs.
  • IME 386: Industrial and Managerial Engineering - 3 hrs.
  • IME 395: Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototyping - 3 hrs.
  • IME 422: Manufacturing Quality Control - 3 hrs.
  • IME 431: Materials Engineering - 2 hrs.
  • IME 441 Manufacturing Processes I
    or IME 443 Manufacturing Processes II - 3 hrs.
  • IME 445 Computer Aided Manufacturing Processes - 3 hrs.
  • IME 499: Senior Design Project - 4 hrs.

Elective Courses (choose four) - 12 hrs.

  • IME 325: Transport Phenomena - 3 hrs.
  • IME 385: Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain - 3 hrs.
  • IME 412: Design and Analysis of Experiments - 3 hrs.
  • IME 441: Manufacturing Processes I - 3 hrs.
    or IME 443: Manufacturing Processes II - 3 hrs.
  • IME 466: Facilities Planning - 3 hrs.
  • IME 481: Lean Production Systems - 3 hrs.
  • IME 495: Design for Manufacturability - 3 hrs.

Approved Technical Elective Courses (choose three) - 9 hrs.

  • Any 300-level or higher IME course not required in the program.
  • Any advisor-approved 300-level or higher IMT course.
  • Any civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering course (CE, EE, ME) numbered 300 or higher, or approved by advisor.
  • Any advisor-approved mathematics or science course not required in the program.
  • Any advisor-approved 300 or higher course from college of Business.

Total Hours - 123