Administrative Panel and Hearing Board

Administrative Panel

A University Administrative Panel is typically composed of three Administrative Staff members from the Division of Student Affairs. All are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. One Staff member serves as the Board Coordinator and is responsible for coordinating all efforts and expectations of the Panel.

University Administrative Panel Expectations

Members of the Panel assigned to a hearing are expected to:

  • Participate in orientation sessions
  • Prior to the hearing date, review all information provided in the case file.
  • Convene at the date and time of the hearing.
  • Attend meetings of the Panel
  • Discuss and vote on each case

The Board Coordinator is expected to:

  • Preside at sessions of the Panel
  • Keep a record of attendance of members of the Panel
  • Record the outcomes of the hearing and provide the outcomes to the accused student or student organization and other appropriate parties in a timely fashion

    Hearing Board

    A University Hearing Board is typically composed of three Administrative Staff members from the Division of Student Affairs. All are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee). One member serves as the Board Coordinator and is responsible for coordinating all efforts and expectations of the Board.

    University Hearing Board Expectations

    Members of the hearing board assigned to a hearing are expected to:

    • Participate in hearing orientation sessions
    • Prior to the hearing date, review all information provided in the case file
    • Convene at the date and time of the hearing
    • Attend meetings of the hearing board
    • Discuss and make a decision on each case

     The Board Coordinator is expected to:

    • Preside at sessions of the hearing board
    • Record the outcomes of the hearing and provide the outcomes to the appropriate parties in a timely fashion