Reporting and Complaint Resolution

Reporting a concern about a possible incident of sex- or gender-based discrimination, sex-based or sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, or stalking is the first step in getting the Office of Title IX Compliance involved. We encourage anyone who has experienced or witnessed a possible incident to report it to our office. You can file a report through our website by filling out our reporting form.

When our office receives a report, our priority is to contact the impacted individual(s) to ensure their safety, explore supportive measures, and discuss potential next steps. These may include options for resolving the situation through grievance procedures outlined in the Interim Title IX Policy .

For all types of sex discrimination complaints, including those involving sex- or gender-based harassment (including sexual harassment), sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking, the Interim Title IX Policy provides detailed information on the processes and options available.

In most cases, the decision to proceed with a formal resolution process is up to the impacted individual. However, in certain circumstances - such as concerns about personal or community safety - the University may need to initiate an investigation regardless of the individual’s wishes. If this occurs, we will communicate with the impacted individual and ensure they receive the necessary support throughout the process.

Impacted individual(s) may also choose to file a complaint with external agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and/or the Illinois Department of Human Rights, if they believe their rights under Title IX have been violated.

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