Cecilia Iacoponi

Cecilia Iacoponi

Assistant Professor in Residence

    Westlake Hall 234
    (309) 677-3694


Ph.D. Educational Psychology at Pontifical Catholic University in Sao Paulo, Brazil (2013)
M.S. Education, major area in Educational Psychology at Pontifical Catholic University in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1997).
Postgraduate in Clinical-Institutional Psych Pedagogue, at Saint Judas Tadeu University in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1993)
B.S. Student Counseling and Teaching Pedagogical Subjects at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (1985)


My philosophy of education is that all students are unique and must have diverse opportunities to express their particularity to share and open the eyes-windows of their classmates to new perspectives.

Thinking in that direction, my road in Education started in 1985, when I was still young and followed the Traditional Model of Education – with all the exercises/ teachers’ books with the answers, etc_ it guided me for a while; it is still working for a lot of professors, but in my case, that did not help me to proceed with my “ambition” in Education. That is what happened in my life: I started seeking other courses that could bring me answers to my questions in Education, because at that time I was struggling and conflicting with situations that the Traditional Model did not fit me anymore.

Because of that, I started my pathway with research in Early Childhood. At first, I enrolled in a Pos-Graduated course named Psychopedagogy – an excellent course to open your mind regarding learning disabilities and the different ways to deal with them! I became a Specialist in learning disabilities - School Psychologist – working with students that were struggling in their several contents and had many disorders such as: dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome, hyperactivity, attention deficit, learning, reading, among many others, I worked both at Clinics and at Schools. With these credentials, I started my reviews about learning disabilities and my interest of study guided me to follow my Master’s degree in educational psychology.

Furthermore, in 1997 I got my Master (Educational Psychology)– with a great recognition ­ 10,0 with honors- where I discussed the concept of learning disabilities that professors and coordinators considered when they have a child that is failing at class. At that time, it was unprecedented research -it was published as an article in a Brazilian educational book.

My second big research also in Early Education was my Ph.D. (Educational Psychology), in 2013. I questioned the new law in Education (at that time- 2006) that changed drastically the age that children started in middle school. It was a big discussion in my country and my thesis was one of the beginners of that problematic question. It was also published in a book and an article.

Because of my 35 years in Education, my daily studies, research, all of my work with my colleagues, universities, clinical, counseling, training courses to teachers, students, advising parents, volunteer work with non-profit organizations, my Philosophy was changing and building a strong belief that we are better if we get together, if we construct a path that is based on a diverse perspective of the world, open our horizons to the diversity that shows us different views from the same subject!Therefore, my philosophy of education is a Constructivist/Social Interactionism, based on Vygotsky, Piaget, Ferrero, Teberosky, Visca, Fernadez and Montessori, among others.

Another aspect of my career is working with diverse populations, including distinct ethnicities, faiths, cultural backgrounds, different incomes, races, among others.  As a School Psychologist and Professor I had the opportunity and blessing to work as a volunteer in non-profit organizations dealing with several stories, problems, conflicts that made me grow as a person and professional.  As a clinical professional, I have assisted and counseled families, students, adults, and youth struggling with their lives. It is my passion! That is my goal in life. That is why I continue studying!

In my classes I always have the theory associated with a practice in order to give students opportunity in training and have an idea about their career as teachers. I use different pedagogical materials and dynamics, I also use my Brazilian Cases (of learning disabilities) to open discussions, to present them with the reality of the profession and, to instigate them to think about solutions for those cases.  

I believe that people must be respected in their individuality, desires, and time to develop their skills. Working through those 35 years, I realized that with this model students can be stimulated with an educational environment where they are respected and can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.


Technical productions

  • Course Readers for Postgraduate Certificate Programs of ISEMT (MT): Evaluation and Educational Planning; Applied Didactics for Preschool; Applied Didactics for Primary and Middle School; Psychomotricity; Management and Coordination of the Pedagogical Work; Educational Policy and Organization of Basic Education; Human Relations and Leadership and Public Policies; Psychopedagogy – Reader of Psychopedagogical Diagnostics. (2015); (2016)
  • Course Readers for Postgraduate Certificate Programs of Anhanguera Educacional: Evaluation of Learning in Higher Education (2015); School Management (2016)
  • Preparation of a Question Bank in ENADE’s Style[1] for the Disciplines of the Postgraduate Certificate Program of Anhanguera Educacional on Higher Education Psychopedagogy and Teaching (2015); (2016)
  • Course Readers and Materials for Teaching Training for the City Schools of Salto/SP (2013)
  • Course Readers for Teaching Training for Preschool “Pinguinho de Gente” (2004-2009)
  • By-laws of Primary, Middle, and High School Almeida Junior (2007)
  • Video: Preschool – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2000Titles/descriptions of courses, your teaching philosophy, what you love about teaching, etc.


  • I won two scholarships in Brazil for both my Master’s and Doctorate’s. We have companies in Brazil that support researchers called CAPES and CNPQ. They evaluate your education journey and the research needs.


  • I am a volunteer / Students Advisor at CareerVillage.orgCareerVillage.org since Apr 2018 - USA
  • I am Professor in post-graduation Educational courses in Brazil, working  in online Education programs
  • One Mission Society - 2018 -Social services -I was a translator for the Brazilian missionary Luciana Gonzales.
  • Tutoring - Rebecca's Garden Of Hope (RGOH) Evangelical Lutheran Dec 2019 · -Developing marketing resources for the "Tutoring Ministry" with students of the University of Indianapolis.
  • Fundraiser - Saint Francis and Claire of Assisi Roman Catholic Church and School -Social Services – Volunteer at Fall Festival at Saint Francis and Claire Church*Meals ServerMeals - Pack Away HungerPack Away HungerJan 2019  - Volunteer ·We have packaged 55K meals for those who need it.

Licensures and Certifications

Mental Wellbeing in Child  Certification –  at New Skills Academy, CPD Member/ USA ( November 16, 2020).

Child Psychology Certification –  at New Skills Academy, CPD Member/ USA ( November 15, 2020).

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - CBT Practitioner - The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology- June 29, 2020Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - CBT Practitioner - The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology- June 29, 2020


Heartsaver CPR AED / American Heart Association - USA/IN / August/2017Heartsaver CPR AED / American Heart Association - USA/IN / August/2017


More than Sad: Preventing Teen Suicide / American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - USA/IN / August 2017More than Sad: Preventing Teen Suicide / American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - USA/IN / August 2017


Pubertad y Adolescencia en los contextos actuales - contribuiciones psicoepdagogicas - Espacio Psicopedagogico de Buenos Aires - EPsiBA-Argentina - 2018Pubertad y Adolescencia en los contextos actuales - contribuiciones psicoepdagogicas - Espacio Psicopedagogico de Buenos Aires - EPsiBA-Argentina - 2018


Vocational Authorities: The Psychopedagogy Clinic Propitiating Vocational Authorities - Psychopedagogic School of Buenos Aires - Argentina/2014Vocational Authorities: The Psychopedagogy Clinic Propitiating Vocational Authorities - Psychopedagogic School of Buenos Aires - Argentina/2014