Field and Clinical Experience

Teacher Education

Student teaching is an important experience for each teacher education program. It is the policy of the department that all student teaching assignments be in or immediately near Peoria. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case petition when there are extenuating circumstances. Students with questions about student teaching should contact Dr. Quentin Wherfel, Teacher Education Program Director. Student teaching and all other field and clinical experiences must be taken for a pass/fail grade.

Field Experiences

There are two field experiences. The first requires a minimum of 25 hours of directed observations in a setting appropriate for the education major. The second experience involves an in-depth study of an individual learner, which includes a minimum of 25 hours in a clinical experience.

Novice Teaching

Supervised teaching experience in P-12 setting. Planning and implementing instruction in the student's teaching area.

Student Teaching

Placement in Peoria-area classrooms. Instructional planning and implementation in a P-12 setting.

Related Documents

  • Evaluation Procedure and Rubric: Available in Sakai
  • Student Handbook: Available in Sakai


Counseling ENC 690, Practicum and ENC 691/692, Internship

The practicum and internship clinical experiences allow development of a specialization consistent with a student’s plans for future employment. The clinical experience in counseling requires a minimum total of 700 hours that includes 280 hours of direct counseling for the combined practicum and internship classes.

Leadership in Educational Administration (EDA) ENC 686, Field Experience

Graduate students complete the internship, which is considered the culmination of all students learn in the EDA program. Students are required to complete activities related to each of the six Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) standards and additional requirements demonstrating leadership skills as prescribed by the Illinois State Board of Education.

Nonprofit Leadership (NPL) ENC 686, Field Experience

The field experience is a culminating opportunity for students to work with a practicing administrator mentor. Students plan their field experience jointly with the mentor administrator and Bradley faculty advisor. The field experience requires students to spend 150-200 clock hours in the field to complete a major project, work collaboratively with the mentor administrator and perform other administrative duties. During the same period, students participate in four seminars on the Bradley campus that focus on establishing a vision for the future.