Amanda Newell

Amanda Newell

Nutrition and Dietetics Graduate Program Director, Assistant Professor

    Westlake Hall 234
    (309) 677-3736


Ph.D. Higher Education Administration, Illinois State University
Dietetic Internship, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
M.S. Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois
B.S. Dietetics, Western Illinois University


Prior to my time at Bradley, I was a research assistant and a clinical dietitian. I am the founding Director of the Dietetic Internship Program at Bradley.


My favorite way to spend my time is with my family. I love seeing the world through the eyes of my children!

You might find me with my family shopping for fresh, local produce at one of the Peoria area farmer’s markets, enjoying the many trails in the area, drinking tea or coffee at a local café, or at a ball game, as fan or a coach!


My teaching philosophy stems from my belief in active, hands-on learning that is rooted in a student-centered approach. I believe this empowers students to succeed because it requires them to engage in and take ownership of their learning, which is necessary as they move into their professional careers.

I love working with our students and helping them find their path. Teaching the next generation of registered dietitian nutritionists fills my professional bucket and it leaves me with great hope for the future!

I work with both undergraduate and graduate students in courses such as Food and Nutrition, Family Programs Across the Lifespan, Foundations of Dietetic Practice, Nutrition Counseling and Assessment, and Medical Nutrition Therapy II.

I also work closely with graduate students and our preceptors/facilities for the supervised experiential learning requirements in food service management, community nutrition and clinical dietetics.


My current research is focused on dietetic education, interprofessional education, and cultural intelligence. Please see below for selected publications and presentations.

Newell, A.M.B.; Troxel, W. (2021). Influence of the research involvement of dietetic internship directors on the experiences aligned with an accreditation required research competency in dietetic internship programs. International Congress of Dietetics. (Oral Presentation).

Newell, A.M.B. (2021). Multiple mentoring experiences to foster a culture of preceptorship. Virtual Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo. The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (vol. 121(9), pp. A-44).  (Poster Presentation).

Newell, A.M.B., Troxel, W. (2021). Influence of research involvement on the interpretation and implementation of a research competency in dietetic internship programs. Journal of Allied Health. 50(1), 47-53.

Newell, A.; Borton, R. (2021). Collaborative education and health sciences graduate interdisciplinary scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) project. NIPNET Conference 2021. (Oral Presentation)

Newell, A.M.B., Antola Crowe, H., Erickson, D., Pratt, B., Davison Aviles, R. (2020). Cross-cultural competencies in a scholarship of teaching and learning process. Journal of Transformative Learning. 7(1), 71-80.

Newell, A.M.B, Troxel, W., Schumacher J.R. (2019). Research involvement continuum level of dietetic internship directors. Journal of Critical Dietetics. 4(2), 28-37.

Davidson, J.; Newell, A. (2012). Schools as practice sites in dietetic education: A win-win multicenter partnership to reduce childhood obesity. International Congress of Dietetics. Sydney, Australia.  (Oral Presentation).

Dallmeyer, M. A., Davidson, J., Randall, G. K., & Newell, A. (2012). College student snacking behavior pilot study. International Journal of Home Economics, 5, 130-143.

Randall, G. K., Brandes, K. A., Choi, C., Collins, N. R., Dallmeyer, M. A., Davidson, J., Newell, A. (2010). From the family and consumer sciences classroom to its constituent communities: Examples of how one FCS department makes a difference. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 102, 34-40.

Newell, A.M.B., Yousef, G. G., Lila, M. A., Ramirez-Marces, M. V., Gonzalez de Mejia, E. (2010). Comparative in vitro bioactivities of tea extracts from six species of Ardisia and their effect on growth inhibition of HepG2 cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 130, 536–544.

Newell, A.M.B.; Chandra, S.; Gonzalez de Mejia, E. (2007). Ethnic teas and their bioactive components from Hispanic Foods: Chemistry and Flavor; Tunick, M.H., Gonzalez de Mejia, E., Editors; ACS Symposium Series 946, Chapter 11; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC; pp 127-142.


I serve on a variety of university committees including the FCS Assessment Committee, the EHS Internationalization Committee, and the BU Intercollegiate Athletic Committee. I also serve on the planning committee and as a facilitator for the regional IPE immersion day.

Licensures and Certifications

  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
  • Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (LDN) (Illinois)